Advent like Lent is a time for personal and corporate reflection on how we live our faith. In the case of Advent we are in a season of waiting. Advent waiting is not however simply about the birth of Jesus. Our Advent season waiting is also thinking ahead to God’s future coming for judgement. So the season is sombre, in purple and with fasting and repentance—a reminder that as God came to us once, so just as surely will come again. A Summary of Advent Activities is – Advent Activities Flyer 2019
There are four elements (or spiritual disciplines) that make a Holy Advent. They are Prayer, Confession, Fasting and Charitable Giving. If you click on this link you can read more about how you might observe these disciplines during Advent 2019 – Advent Devotion Booklet 2019
On Wednesday Evenings – 4th and 18th December – our Advent Reflection from 7pm – 8pm see Advent Reflection 2019
For further details about different activities see:
Advent Activities 2019
Christmas Decoration Day 2019
Christmas Service POster 2019
giving tree
Service of Waiting Poster 2019