Mission Action Plan – 2020 – 2023
December 2024: As the Parish is now in Vacancy, we will update and revise our Mission Action Plan in 2025, once our new incumbent is in place.
St Anne’s reviewed and celebrated our last Mission Action Plan. We had lots to celebrate as you can see here –Feedback – things we can celebrate June 2019 In October 2019 we spent time consider what we thought God was calling us to do in this place now. The PCC reflected on this in an away day at the end of November and approved our new plan in December 2019.
We launched our new plan on Sunday 19th January 2020. You can view the summary document – MAP – Jan 2020 – for all members
A more detailed version – Mission Action Plan Dec 2019 – 2023
Our new theme continues to work within the goals of the London Diocese Plan which invites us to be Confident, Compassionate and Creative as we serve God and the people of London.
We are continuing to working on being:
Ambassadors for Christ ( you can read our story) http://www.ambassadors2020.org/blog/ambassadors-st-annes-brondesbury/
Part of our Mission Action Plan, and our part in the Diocese 2020 Vision is to nurture one another in daily faith. As we know most of our life does not take place in Church, but in our homes and work place. This is part of our faith, and part of what we are called to do. During Epiphany and Lent we will be thinking about how we can support one another in the ministry we each have. As part of the this we would like to invite members of the congregation to share how their faith helps them in work or family or even retirement.
Each week we are inviting a member of the congregation to share how we have encounter our faith this week.
Each year we are invited to reflect on our financial giving to the church. It is something that we need to review every year, like all our finances. Our Stewardship is part of our Mission Planning and is a necessary part of responsible church life. How and what we give to the church makes a huge difference to what we can undertake as a congregation. We are responsible for raising ALL that we need for our Mission!
The simplest way to give regularly is via the Parish Giving Scheme – click here