We start Sundays with Morning Prayer at 9am in Trinity Chapel.
Our main service each week is Sung Parish Eucharist on a Sunday at 10 a.m.
The style of our worship is both is tradition and relaxed. We have a strong focus on spiritually and thoughtful sermons. We also take pride in our welcoming Sunday School. The Sunday School community spend part of the service in the main church, while with drawing for their own program for part of the service.
The liturgy involves a significant number of lay people being involved on a rota basis week by week for welcoming, reading, leading intercessions, offertory procession, helping in the sanctuary and leading our children’s program. Our music does much to help lift our hearts to God and offer our praise. Our Vicar preaches reflectively on the readings of the day in relation to growth in faith within the issues of the day.
On Tuesdays we have Morning Prayer on Zoom at 8.30 a.m. Morning Prayer is a short service of psalms, readings and intercessions to start the day.
Special Services
Enquiries regarding Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Funerals –
Tel: 020 7604 3053