A summary of all of our activities can be viewed Here.
Come and enjoy open studio’s and gardens – we will be hosting 4 artists. It will also be a chance to explore the building!
Celebrating 20 years since the opening of St Anne’s and St Andrew’s.
You can see the celebration service here 20th Anniversary service – 20th May 2018
Photo’s to follow!
A huge thanks to Liz Till, Mark Haggard and Lee Gordon for their fantastic work in the garden on the 19th May!
A great celebration of Easter Feast
A great start to Holy Week with the blessing of Palms!
Annual Parochial Church Meeting – 18th March 2018
Minutes APCM and APM March 18th 2018
In preparation for our Annual Parish Meeting and APCM which will take place on Sunday 18th March, as per publicity on the Church Notice Board, you can access papers for this meeting below.
Statistics for Mission – Annual Return 2018
Complete set of reports for APCM – March 2018
Treasurer Annual Report 2017 for APCM
Lent has begun and we have committed again to 40 bags in 40 days – see Lent 2018 for more details.
We have been enjoying our celebrations of Christmas – God with us – and looking forward to Epiphany and the arrival of the Magi!
Some beautiful snow for Advent II
A lovely time was had at the Advent Procession at St Paul’s Cathedral on Saturday 2nd December. Over 35 people attended, and nine of our young people were part of the procession.
A successful morning pruning in the church garden! (14th October)
A another huge thank you for everyone’s contributions for Harvest Festival Today – 24th September. Here is a selection!
A Huge thank you for everyone’s help on Queens’ Park Day 17th September
Let us prayer with the people of Grenfell Tower and the surrounding communities
From Bishop Pete
The Grenfell Tower tragedy has moved us all deeply. I know that you will be praying for the people of Grenfell Tower and all those who live in the vicinity of Latimer Road and the parish of St Clement & St James Notting Dale. We will particularly want to focus on those who have died, those who are bereaved, those whose loved ones are still missing, those seriously injured and in hospital. And for people who have lost their homes and everything they owned in the inferno. The gifts of clothing, food and hospitality have come from far and wide. Advice at this time suggests that they are now inundated with items, so it may not be productive to carry on sending things. Donations can be made at https://thekandcfoundation.com/
Fabulous opening for the People and Places Photographic Exhibition by Elainea Emmott, with visit to the opening by Charlie Phillips http://www.vam.ac.uk/content/articles/s/charlie-phillips/ and local MP Tulip Saddiq.
Elainea Emmott and Charlie Phillips
Elainea Emmott and Tulip Saddiq
You can preview some of Elainea’s photo’s here www.elaineaemmottphotography.com
What a wonderful Easter Celebration we have had. A huge thank you to all who have helped!
For declaration of results from APCM and APM see Declaration of results 2017
You can also catch up on what took place by reading the papers which were presented:
Final Copy – Reports to the Annual General Meeting – complete copy for 2017
During Lent we have been attempting the discipline of 40 bags in 40 days!
In 2017 we are inviting one another to take part in 40 bags in 40 days . It is a process which allows us to reflect on what is necessary in our lives – where we focus on cleaning one area per day. In this one area you challenge yourself to declutter, simplify, decrapify, and get rid of things you don’t need. The goal is one bag a day but you can have more or less. It doesn’t need to just be material things, it could be emails or issues or even concerns. The idea is to remove in a small way each day during Lent those things which distract us from faith and living a whole life.
Start small—bag size may vary. Maybe choose one draw or activity you are going to clear, rather than a whole room. Allow what you choose to inform your prayer life—what does our clutter tell us about our relationship with God? How might God inform our living in the days ahead?
On the third Sunday of Lent we had a lovely view as we heard the Gospel read!!
Spring has arrived at St Anne’s – with thanks to our wonderful Gardeners – Lee and Carolyn!
And Lent begins!!! We had a positive start to Lent on Ash Wednesday.
Why not join us as we seek to keep a Holy Lent? For more details click on LENT 2017 tab at the top of the page.!
A great night was had at our Quiz night. Congratulations to the Polka-dots on their victory. Great thanks go to Quiz Master Peter and Helpers – Rhona and Maggie for all their hard work.
We wish you a very happy Christmas and all the best for 2017!!
My God bring peace.
We had a great day making Christmas wreaths with Rhona!
We had a lovely evening at St Paul’s Cathedral for the Advent Procession
– 26th November 2016
For details about Advent and Christmas Activities
St Anne’s give thanks for Rev. Maggie Hindley
On Sunday 20th November Rev. Maggie preached at St Anne’s. During the service we also gave thanks for her ministry at St Anne’s and St Andrew’s; and London Inter Faith Centre. There will also be opportunities to Farewell Rev. Maggie on 4th and 11th December. see maggies-retirement
Our Church Warden—Viola Akers
It is will great sadness that we note the passing of our Church Warden Viola who has been a member of St Anne’s since we think 1962. She has always been a faithful and committed member who undertook many unseen tasks on our behalf. She has been a Church Warden on a number of occasions—and for most of the last 10 years. We will miss her as a congregation and individually. Viola loved St Anne’s and came to prayers here every day. Sadly for lots of practical reasons the funeral will need to take place at St Martin’s in Mortimer Rd. It will still be a St Anne’s service however and will be a chance for us to celebrate her life and ministry in our community.
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to our shared Harvest Festival with St Andrew’s on Sunday 2nd October. Our service was followed by a bring and share lunch.
A huge thanks to all for another successful Queens Park Day – Sunday 18th September. We even had a visit from the Mayor of Brent!
Lovely successful exhibit by Helen during July – lead to some wonderful conversations.
Week of Prayer 6th -14th May
From 6-14 May churches across the Diocese of London will be engaging with the national call to a week of prayer leading up to the celebration of Pentecost. In response to this call to intentional and focused prayer, events are taking place all around our diocese.
Ranging from daily communion services and lunchtime meditations, to all night prayer vigils and celebration events, there is a huge variety in what is happening around London. We continue to encourage each other to each pray for seven people that we may share with them the story of our faith.
At St Anne’s please join with us as we pray each morning at 8.30am and at 7pm on Wednesday evening.
Spring blooms out the Church Window this morning 10th April 2016.
A Photo montage to our Easter Tridium 2016!
Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) – Sunday 13th March after Mass
You can view the announcement of elections from the meeting here – Declaration of results 2016
Meeting – complete copy for 2016
Thank you to all who stayed for our Annual Meeting today. It was a great time to celebrate the life of our parish. At our meeting Viola Akers and Alice Lyon were elected as church wardens. We also elected 7 members to our PCC – Maggie Gibb, Michael Lyon, Bob Vickers, Richard Brindley, Lindsay O’Hagan, Rhona Christie and Tim Collett. We received reports for all the project areas of the church and we also gave thanks for the contributions that so many people make. We noted that our financial position is stable and we are working for a continued improvement. We recognise that we have some challenges, but we are working creatively to address them. We offered thanks to our wardens for their continuing hard work, to our PCC for their engagement and work, and to Lee Gordon and her team for their work in the garden. To Liz Morrison and Fr Laurence for their work with LIFC, Michael and Simon for their work on the accounts. Thank you to Helen and all who make lovely cakes, and offering hospitality; to Maggie, Alice and all the Sunday school team; to Henri and the My Moves team; to all who assist with Tea and Chat; to the Queens Park Day Team of volunteers; to all who help in different ways with our worship on Sunday morning; to our server and sacristan Kay Anderson and to our organist – Peter Walters – for leading our music. It is particularly good to be able to record thanks to all those who assist in small and sometimes unnoticed ways – from rubbish that disappears to sound systems which now work. We are a community together – and without all your contributions we could not continue as effective as we do. We also moved a special vote of thanks and will present a service award to Henrietta Warner for her extended service to My Move over 16 years!
Congratulations to Angharad, Mark, Janina, Gwendoline and Katharine who all confirmed their faith in Jesus Christ today!
Have a wonderful Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Christ – Christmas Eve 2015.
Making Christmas Wreaths and table centres with Rhona – Advent 2015!
Christingle service – telling the story of Jesus birth!
Santa came to visit our My Move Christmas Party, after we had been on a visit to the church to see the crib!
St Paul’s Cathedral Advent Procession
26 members of St Anne’s traveled to St Paul’s Cathedral to be part of the Advent Procession last evening. It was a wonderful start to our Christian Year!
Remembrance Day 2015![IMG_2574](http://st-annes-brondesbury.org.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/IMG_2574-300x225.jpg)
It was a great privilege to have students from Salusbury and Christ Church Schools join us for a public Act of Remembrance at 11am on the 11th November in Paddington Old Cemetery.
Harvest Festival 2015
A huge thank you to all who contributed to our Harvest Festival display, which will go to Laurence’s Larder (you can follow them on facebook). Stephen Chamberlain, the co-ordinator of the Larder and Open Kitchen spoke in our service.
Gardening with Good Gym
Good Gym are a community group who combine running with community service. As part of their training session on Saturday 3rd October they visited St Anne’s and St Andrew’s to help the gardening group. Thanks to them our new lavender is all planted!
Betty Dass
Betty Dass, the oldest member of St Anne’s congregation passed away on Wednesday 9th September. Betty lived most of her life in the Queens Park Area and contributed a great deal. She was a strong woman and very gracious. Her memorial service will take place at St Anne’s at 2pm on Saturday 10th October.
Queens Park Day – Sunday 13th September
We had a wonderful afternoon at Queens Park Day. It is both our largest fundraiser, and also an opportunity to let people know that St Anne’s is part of our local community. Thank you to everyone who helped in so many different ways. It was a great team event!
Summer Swooning – Saturday 1st August
A huge thank you to Peter Burt-Jones; Lucia and John Saxby for their wonderful contributions of songs and poetry at Summer Swooning on the first of August! The Pimms, homemade lemonade and nibbles went down well too!
We are Ambassadors for Christ.
Over the past 6 months St Anne’s has shared in a series of studies (Advent and Lent) and also in sermon focus on what it means to be people of faith. How do we live out our faith? How do we honour that most of our faith is not lives in church but actually in our work places, in our community and our families!
To build on this, during Lent we started a new ‘slot’ during our service called the ‘2-minute slot’. Each week a member of our congregation has been invited to share a little of the story of their week by answering these questions:
- What were you doing at 10am on Friday morning and who were you with?
- How was it different from what you do on other mornings/afternoons?
- How does your faith inform/support/nurture what you do when you are not at church?
We have heard some wonderful stories – all very different.
Over the past three weeks, starting on Pentecost Sunday – we have been affirming that we are Ambassadors – that is we affirm that we live out our faith each day of our lives and we commit to pray for one another. You can read what we affirmed here – Ambassadors for Christ Commissioning
Today we also took a photo of our ‘family’ as we commit to pray for one another and be Ambassadors in this community.
We are part of the Diocese London 2020 commit to have 100,000 ambassadors in the city of London. You can find out more or sign as an Ambassador at http://www.ambassadors2020.org/
Reflection on the JS Bach’s Music and Faith
A small group from St Anne’s attended one of the events held by St Paul’s Forum at The Royal Foundation of St Katherine Saturday 14 March 2015. You can read Helen Brown’s reflection on the day below.
Reflection on the JS Bach’s Music and Faith
The Easter Tridium
at the altar of repose and below the church stripped bare.
The church decorated with Liz and Sue’s fantastic flowers ready for the Vigil!
Palm Sunday 2015
APCM – 22nd March 2015
Today saw our Annual Church Meeting at which Viola Akers was affirmed as Church Warden Emeritus, and Alice Lyon was elected as church warden. We also elected 6 members to our PCC – Michael Lyon, Maggie Gibb, Bob Vickers, Richard Brindley, Lindsay O’Hagan, Rhona Christie and Tim Collett. We gave thanks for Tamala Anderson who has stood down from the PCC.
We received reports for all the project areas of the church and we also gave thanks for the contributions that so many people make. We offered thanks to our warden emeritus Viola for her continuing hard work, to our PCC for their engagement and work, and to Lee Gordon and her team for their work in the garden. To Liz Morrison and Fr Laurence for their work with LIFC, Michael and Simon for their work on the accounts. Thank you to Helen and all who make lovely cakes, and offering hospitality; to Maggie, Alice and all the Sunday school team; to Henri and the My Moves team; to all who assist with Tea and Chat; to the Queens Park Day Team of volunteers; to all who help in different ways with our worship on Sunday morning; to our server and sacristan Kay Anderson and Rhydian Crabb and to our organist – Peter Walters – for leading our music. It is particularly good to be able to record thanks to all those who assist in small and sometimes unnoticed ways – from rubbish that disappears to sound systems which now work. We are a community together – and without all your contributions we could not continue as effective as we do.
Pancake Party
We had a great time with the Junior Sunday School making pancakes before Lent starts on Wednesday!
Happy New Year and may God bless us in 2015.
A huge thank you to everyone for all your help in making a Advent and Christmas celebrations such a success. For everyone who arranged and cleaned, delivered leaflets, cooked and served food and drink, help in services, welcomed our guests and those who encouraged us. It really was team effort and we should be very proud of what we achieved. Thank you!
Advent Procession at St Paul’s – 29th November 2014
A group of 18 from St Anne’s attended the Annual Advent Procession at St Paul’s. Some of our group also took part in the procession.
Confirmation at St Paul’s Cathedral
On Saturday 1st November (All Saints Day) we participated in the Diocesan Confirmation at St Paul’s Cathedral.
Yvonne confirmed her faith in God and was commissioned as an Ambassador for Christ.
Thank you to all who assisted in our Garden Working Bee yesterday.
We achieved a lot!! (11th October 2014)
A Huge THANK YOU to all who contributed to our Harvest Thanksgiving!
We bought our harvest goods as a sign of our thankfulness for all that is good in our lives. We also want to take this opportunity to consider all we are thankful for. For our warm and welcoming congregation, for our families and children, for those who offer leadership—PCC, Wardens, singers, Sunday school teachers, gardeners, readers, My Move Management Group, welcomers, those who serve and bring up the offertory, intercessors, those who pray, those who clean and those who live out their Christian lives day to day.
Fr Laurence Licensing
The Revd Laurence Hillel, Chaplain at Bishop Ramsey Church of England School (2594), is to be a part-time Willesden Inter Faith Adviser and SSM Assistant Priest (House for Duty) at St Anne with Holy Trinity, Brondesbury (2116) from 1 September 2014. The Archdeacon joined us on Sunday 21st September for our 9.30am service at which time he licensed and commissioned Fr Laurence to his new roles during our service.
Queens Park Day Success
A huge thank you to all who helped on Queens Park Day. It was a fantastic occasion.
Commemoration of the start of WWI at St Paul’s Cathedral
A small group from St Anne’s attended a special service at St Paul’s Cathedral to commemorate the start of WWI at 6pm on Sunday 3rd August. As part of the Eucharist an altar frontal frontal created by more than 100 wounded WW1 soldiers from all across the UK, Australia, Canada and South Africa was displayed. It will continue to be on display at St Paul’s for four years. You can see a picture of the frontal and hear some of its stories at Art from War Injured WWI Soldiers
St Anne’s Day Celebrations 2014
A huge thank you to all who took part in our celebrations on the 20th July, and to all those who helped. It was fantastic to worship together with St Andrew’s and to share in our Garden Party afterwards.
100 minutes Silence for Christian Aid.
Today, five young people and Mother Christine successfully completed 100 minutes of silence.
We were all sponsored and all our efforts will go towards Christian Aid.
During the silence we completed the outline of a jigsaw and participated in some crafts.
Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women in the Church of England.
A small group from St Anne’s joined the national celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women in the Church of England. The event started with a picnic in the grounds of Westminster Abbey, followed by a walk of witness from Westminster to St Paul’s. There was then a service of celebration in St Paul’s Cathedral. It was a great day – and quite emotional.
You can find out more about how to contribute to our work in Stewardship – What can I give – 2014
Prayers for our pilgrims
This February we pray for two parts of our church family who head off on pilgrimage.
We pray for Michael Lyon who set to complete his pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.
We also pray for Steve, Kasia, Janina and Eryk Haggard as they head off for the Gambia with a group from Salusbury School.
This month twenty-six local people are on an educational exchange between Salusbury School and the school at Mbollet-ba in Gambia, one of Africa’s smallest and poorest nations. The Archbishop of Gambia based at St Anne’s in Banjul (Gambia’s capital) reached out to us in 2009 for support in setting up a church radio station for reaching Christian Gambians in distant interior settlements. Steve was able to combine a work trip to Senegal, with a diversion to neighbouring Gambia to deliver microphones and a desktop broadcasting kit funded by donations from the St Anne’s congregation, and train the Diocese in using them. On the way, he met villagers at Mbollet-ba whose school was in a tragic state, and they asked Steve to start a partnership to help them. Salusbury school responded imaginatively and now, after several years of support at a distance, the families pupils and teachers of the two schools will finally meet. During two weeks working together in classrooms and throughout the village, the partners aim to improve education and help the development of this farming community. St Anne’s continues its support of Christians in The Gambia: Revd Jimmy Cole, based in South Bank of Gambia, has received through a kind donation from our congregation, an unused laptop which he asked for in order to provide audio-visual content at his church services. It will travel out on this educational trip.
Prayers for General Synod Meeting February 2014
Mission Action Plan – Commitment to doing ONE thing
Now that we have had time to reflect and pray on the content of our mission action plan, every member of the parish is being asked to consider ONE thing that they can do to contribute to the life of our community. It might be something they are already doing, or it might be something new.
We are asking every member of St Anne’s to take time to:
1. Read our Mission Action Plan
2. Pray about how they would like to be involved
3. Commit to one thing that they can do during 2014
You can chose to do more than one thing BUT we do not want people to feel pressured or become resentful of being part of our community. There are some things which may take more or less energy—so please think about what you have time for and how you can commit.
We are asking everyone to complete this form before February 2014. We will then collate the results and arrange for you to have the information you need. Some things will be immediate—others things will occur later in the year. For example, our Prayer Network will be launched at the start of Lent. It may be something that everyone can be part of.
You can download a copy of the flyer and commitment form here – Mission Action Plan – Commitment Form Jan 2014
New Year Message from the Vicar
St Paul’s Advent Procession
A group of 25 people from our parish attended and participated in the Advent Procession at St Paul’s Cathedral last Saturday evening the 30th November.
It was a great way to start our Advent devotion and well done to the our 6 volunteers in the procession as candle bearers.
All about a messy Nativity
Bells Appeal
The Bell at the top of the dome of St Anne’s and St Andrew’s is the original bell from the St Anne’s site which has stood and rung in this community for over 100 years. It is an important part of our community life, and marks our daily call to prayer.
The mechanism which allows our bell to ring needs to be upgraded. We also need to ‘service’ the bell.
The total cost for repairs, work and serving will be around £1500. We are looking to raise this money through donations for those who love the bell.
Donations for the work on the bell can be made payable to St Anne’s PCC – labelled ‘Bells Appeal’.
With thanks for your generosity.
Prayers for Syria
We are all concerned about the ongoing situation in Syria and Egypt. We pray for peace and for a way forward.
You may find that your prayers are informed by the speech made by Archbishop Justin to the House of Lords on Thursday 29th August. You can read is speech http://www.archbishopofcanterbury.org/articles.php/5125/syria-archbishops-speech-in-the-house-of-lords.
Two members of St Anne’s receive the St Mellitus Medal
On Sunday 21st July, as part of the St Anne’s Patronal Festival Celebrations, the Area Dean The Reverend Felicity Scroggie presented Patricia Harris and Viola Akers with St Mellitus Medals on behalf of the Bishop of London.
The medal is named after St Mellitus, the Bishop of London who re-founded the Diocese in AD 604, and is awarded in recognition of substantial contribution to the Christian life of London. Patricia and Viola were awarded the medal for over 25 years’ service to the parish of St Anne’s; including significant roles in the redevelopment of the site, the established of the Ecumenical Partnership and the London