Advent, like Lent, is a time for personal and corporate reflection on how we live our faith. In the case of Advent we are in a season of waiting. Advent waiting is not however simply about the birth of Jesus. Our Advent season waiting is also thinking ahead to Christ’s future coming. So the season is sombre, in purple and with fasting and repentance—a reminder that as Jesus came to us once, so just as surely will come again. Advent begins this year on Sunday 3rd December.
Advent is a season of expectation and preparation, as the Church prepares to celebrate the coming (adventus) of Christ in his incarnation, and also looks ahead to his final advent as judge at the end of time. The readings and liturgies not only direct us towards Christ’s birth, they also challenge the us to consider the expectation that Christ will come again, and we will be held accountable.
After all the uncertainty of the past few years, Advent also invites us to consider the eternal promise of the coming incarnation. That in God, whatever the circumstance, we find comfort and joy!
You can all about Advent and some of our Advents in our Advent Activities Flyer 2023
Giving is part of our Advent discipline and there are a number of ways you can help this Advent. See giving tree 2023
Monday Lunchtimes during Advent Monday Lunchtimes during Advent
On Monday 4th, 11th and 18th December at 12noon
we will be offering an Advent reflection followed by Mass in the Church.
There will be a weekly theme using music, images and silence
to aid our reflection during this season.
Why not prepare for the Festive Season by attending our wreath making workshop on
Saturday 9th December 2023 from 10am till 1pm. Christmas Decoration Day 2023 – poster
Please book to attend this session by emailing
Why not join in singing some well known Christmas Carols and wellknown stories and poems of Christmas at
Carols by Candlelight Sunday 17th December at 4pm. carols by candlelight poster 2023
Please do join us for the main event